
Saturday, November 21, 2009

WYCC Rounds 9 and 10

Round 9 I was paired white against Baglan Esat, another underrated 1762. His actual performance might be 1900. I played Bb5 against the Nc6 sicilian, and he definitely prepared or knew the opening well because he played 11 moves into theory very quickly and confidently. I tried to attack the kingside with h4, but I shifted my focus to the queenside which was an error. He exchanged too many pieces and it was a dead draw in the end. 1/2-1/2

Round 10 I was paired against Arat Ufuk Sezen as white. He was rated 1884 and from Turkey. I suspect since the Turkish team has strong coaches, I was prepared against very easily. I played the Caro-Kann again, where this time he played d4 Nd2 and transposed into a Larsen-Bronstein variation. We both castled queenside and I tried to break in the centre, but left too many dark squared holes which he took advantage of. He 3 way repititioned the position with his dark squared bishop, because if I didn't accept, he would win a pawn and threaten mate. 1/2-1/2

In general, I think I'm having a bad second half. The first half I was definitely playing well, but after the 6th round, I started playing very lazily and carelessly. My last round is important since I want 6/11. So I'm white probably and will play for a win no matter what. If it's dead drawn then it's draw, if it's lost it's lost. I'm not doing that well, but wish me luck!

1 comment:

  1. Good luck, Zhang. Take it easy. Don't put a lot of pressure on yourself and you would do fine:)
