
Tuesday, November 10, 2009


Hey everyone, we just arrived in Turkey around 14 hours ago.
It's currently 5:24 AM right now, and because I'm still suffering from jet lag, I woke up an hour ago.
Unfortunately, we forgot to bring a converter for the electricity plug-in, so we're borrowing Kevin Me's converter to charge our laptop.
Anyways, the plane ride was insufferably horrible, around 20 hours in total, with no sleep at all. Fail. But the resort is amazing! Me, Richard Wang, Eric Hansen are all staying at the Limra resort, and it's awesome! The rooms are very comfortable, quiet and peaceful. You can eat all you want, when you want! There's a buffet downstairs open 24/7 and it's free of charge to all WYCC participants. I think each round starts at 3:00 PM, so we're free to prepare before hand etc. Awesome eh?
I hope the Canadian team all does well, and I bet we're all gonna' have a great time. See you tomorrow!

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