I played a very intense game as black against Modi Jaishil Bhadrashil (RSA). It was around 5 hours, against an underrated 1650(Approximate)! His performance should just be about 1900, but he did play quite well. He had no Caro games in the database, and seemingly he had good results against e5 and c5, so I prepared advance and main line. Starting off with an unexpected Panov attack with 2.c4, I played an unusual line that is not that great for black. 1. e4 c6 2. c4 d5 3. exd5 cxd5 4. cxd5 Qd5?! Instead I can just play Nf6, capturing, and keeping tempo control. After Qd5, he played Nf3, d4 and soon, with a Bc2, Qd3 battery, he started hitting my king. I had all my development finished with a fianchettoed b7 bishop, knights etc. I did not know the correct defense for his attack, but using calculation/common sense, I found the defense and kept an equal position. He then played Ne4 and trying to gain space, but he made a mistake by letting me exchange f6/e4 knights with h4?!, then I had a discovered attack on his rook that took back on e4. I trapped his rook later and won the exchange, which I should've not tooken so early said by Fritz 11. He pulled some tactics on the queenside, exchanging off the rooks, but gaining me another pawn. I was up a pawn AND the exchange now, evaluation was -2.XX, but he started going for my queenside again with just a Bishop and Queen! I played a horrible blunder which won him 2 pawns and tied down my king. At this time, it was still -/=, maybe even -+, but it was very hard for a human to play as black. I moved my king to the queenside, but he had a 2 on 1 pawn structure that might've lead to an easy draw. With 10 minutes on my clock, I started playing perfect moves with slight planning and intuition. He made a mistake by letting his bishop leave a vulnerable pawn, and I double attack a pawn on h4 and b4 with Qe4, but if I took the pawn on a4, my queen/rook were on the same diagonal, so he'd win back the exchange. I found a nice tactic (GM tactic) and won the game. Very close! I was very nervous! It's good that I won though. 0-1, now I'm 2.5/4, playing white against Sahoo Utkal Ranjan (IND) rated 2219. I need some good results starting from now, if I want to hit 6.5. Wish me good luck!
The highlight of the day was Eric Hansen with the black pieces, playing the Gruenfeld defense, which he had never played before, beat his first GM (2480 Fide). Kevin Me and Victor Kaminski drew a 1900 and 2300 respectively. Thomas Kaminski won, giving him 3/4 and good chances to place high. The Canadian team did excellent this round, congrats to all the players!
Under 8 (Open)
WAN Kevin 0 CAN 2 0 - 1 2 JABER Koochaki 0 IRI 61
KUCUK Dogukan 0 TUR 2 1 - 0 2 ZHANG Yuanchen 0 CAN 127
Under 8G
LIU Jiaxin 0 CAN 2 1 - 0 2 AYAN Bengu Sena 0 TUR 8
Under 10 (Open)
NIKITENKO Mihail 1740 BLR 1½ 0 - 1 1½ KONG Dezheng 0 CAN 103
VIGNA Leo 0 TUR 1 0 - 1 1 GRAIF William 0 CAN 88
Under 10G
Giblon Melissa 0 CAN 1 0 - 1 1 Salah Nadya Ahmed 0 YEM 65
Under 12
Wang Richard 2044 CAN 2 1 - 0 2 Naoum Spyridon 1885 GRE 70
135 Qian Jack 0 CAN 0 1 - - Bye
Under 12G
Lagunow Elina 1735 GER 1 1 - 0 1 Giblon Rebecca 0 CAN 77
Under 14 (open)
Kaminski Thomas 2112 CAN 2 1 - 0 2 Garnazhenko Dmytro 1947 UKR
Modi Jaishil Bhadrashil 1646 RSA 1½ 0 - 1 1½ Zhang David 1998 CAN
Karabayir Mustafa Yilmaz 1864 TUR 1 1 - 0 1 Itkin David 0 CAN
Under 14G
WCM Botez Alexandra 0 CAN 1 1 - 0 1 Cemhan Kardelen 1767 TUR
Under 16 (Open)
Szalay Karoly 2128 CAN 2 0 - 1 2 Petenyi Tamas 2273 SVK 36
Huseyn Orkhan Samir Oglu 2121 AZE 1 1 - 0 1 Wang Jesse B J 1976 CAN 88
Under 16G
Kagramanov Dalia 1835 CAN 2 0 - 1 2 WFM Ognerubova Anastasia 2077 RUS 30
Lam Karen 0 CAN 0 ½ - ½ 0 Demartini Maysa Lais 0 BRA 92
Under 18 (Open)
GM Salem A.R.Saleh 2472 UAE 2½ 0 - 1 2½ FM Hansen Eric 2409 CAN 23
Kaminski Victor 2235 CAN 1½ ½ - ½ 1½ Stankovic Milos 2379 SRB 33
Me Kevin 2119 CAN ½ ½ - ½ ½ Margarido Ricardo Emanuel Torr 1966 POR 88
Under 18G
WFM Dudas Eszter 2147 HUN 1½ ½ - ½ 1½ Du Jasmine 0 CAN 60